Uasin Gishu Governor Blames Alcohol Abuse for Decline in Marriages


Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii has raised concerns over a decrease in marriage rates among young men in the county, attributing it to rampant alcohol and drug abuse.

Bii highlighted the issue’s severity, stating he once traveled over 20 kilometers in rural areas without seeing a pregnant woman. He addressed the situation during a recent football tournament launch in Eldoret town.

The Governor dismissed financial limitations as a cause for the rise in “senior bachelors,” instead pointing towards the excessive consumption of illicit brews.

“Traveling from Kabenes to Eldoret, I saw no pregnant women. It makes me wonder, where are our men?” Bii questioned.

He expressed worry about the growing number of middle-aged unmarried men due to their indulgence in these harmful substances.

Bii pledged to support the national government’s efforts in tackling alcohol and drug abuse by empowering young people through sports initiatives. He even offered a unique incentive: “I will reward any young man I meet on the road with a pregnant wife as a motivation to get married.”

The Governor urged young men to pursue income-generating activities and start families instead of wasting time at drinking dens. “We, as leaders, must create programs that keep our youth occupied and responsible to prevent them from falling prey to these killer brews,” Bii concluded.

Bii’s comments shed light on a concerning trend in Uasin Gishu County. The decline in marriage rates has potential social and economic ramifications. With fewer young couples starting families, the county could face a decrease in childbirth and population growth. This, in turn, could impact the workforce and strain social safety nets.

The Governor’s proposed solution, focusing on youth empowerment through sports and income generation, could prove to be a multi-pronged approach. Sports programs can foster a sense of community and purpose among young men, while income-generating activities can provide financial stability and reduce dependence on alcohol and drugs.

The success of Bii’s initiative will depend on various factors, including community buy-in, the effectiveness of implemented programs, and addressing the underlying causes of substance abuse among young people. Nevertheless, his efforts to tackle this critical issue represent a positive step towards a healthier and more prosperous Uasin Gishu County.

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