Wa Muratha Empowerment Program Yields Fruits


Kiambu Woman Representative The Honorable Ann Muratha is one very dedicated, focused, visionary, forthright, caring and charismatic leader.

She is a role model to millions countrywide.

“These wonderful men and women here are our new mental health champions at Chania ward, Gatundu North!!! They will walk with our women & men, both old and young helping them cope with the stresses of life.

My initiative, (Wamuratha Empowerment Programme) is honoured to release our Community Health Promoters who have been trained on the Basics of Mental Health.We release them to the Community empowered to identify early signs of Mental Stresses before they escalate to Clinical Depression. They have been empowered to give basic counseling interventions and also identify those who need referral to Health Facilities for further management

In order to curb high levels of depression leading to alcoholism, hopelessness and broken families, we have to get to the root of it. Men are mostly affected as alcohol tears through our County, Kiambu, causing pain and despair among families.

I am committed to having my electorate being both physically and emotionally fit since that is the key to success in all aspects of life.”

From our desk we not only wish her success but also God’s immeasurable blessings.

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