Water, Sanitation, Health, Professional Societies, Civil Societies And Religious Leaders Make Their Presentations on Conferment of Eldoret Municipality to City Status


Inatitute of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK), Kuppet, KNUT, NCCK, Architectural Association of Kenya, Photographers Association, Law Society of Kenya (LSK), Kenya Pharmaceutical Association(KPA), Uasin Gishu Civil Society Network, Eldoret Rescue Center,
ELDOWAS, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital {MTRH}, Elgon View hospital and St Luke’s Orthopaedic and Trauma Hospital made their presentations to the ad-hoc committee of the Municipality of Eldoret conferment to city status.

ELDOWAS being one of the key stakeholders in this program through the CEO, Peter Biwott, clearly stated that they support the elevation of Eldoret Municipality to city status. In his presentation, he mentioned that they are prepared to handle population growth and the rising need of water upon being a city.

ELDOWAS has introduced and started installation of public toilets.
With implementation of their projects; digital kiosks, smart meters, dams, sewerages just to mention a few, Eldoret will be a water sufficient city.

Onto the health sector, St. Luke Hospital stated that they are ready to serve the growing population, therefore, supports its elevation to city status.
St Luke’s, administrator, Mr Thomas Ndolo, said they have a strategic plan and advanced technologies to serve the upcoming city at large.

KUPPET and KNUT strongly support the elevation of municipality to city status. Speaking in the meeting,KUPPET Executive secretary, Eldoret Branch Mr. Elijah Maiyo stated that eldoret is expansive and with city status schools will be upgraded with influx of students. KNUT’s Sammy Bor recommended that with city status, teachers housing in city and city allowances should be considered.

NCCK on the other hand fully supported elevation of municipality to city status. They mentioned that the relationship between the municipality and religious institutions has been good and that there has been great dialogue among religions making Eldoret a melting pot of all religions.

Additionally, LSK declared their support by stating that the time is ripe for Eldoret to be a city. Daniel Tarigo, secretary General LSK North Rift region assured the committee that they are ready to serve the influx population as they have enough courts and have introduced alternative justice systems.

Street children have been a key issue in Eldoret town but with Eldoret Rescue Centre, street children are taken care of. Esther Serem director Rescue Center, stated that the County takes care of all children in need and rehabilitate them. They are also constructing a facility to accommodate all street children and also plan to put up a vacational training Centre for the children.

Observers from Kwale municipality and Nandi County were also present.

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