What Should One Do if a man loses sexual interest in his wife -Benjamin Zulu
There’s this issue where a man loses sexual interest in his wife during pregnancy or after delivery. In most cases the problem is either disagreement about the pregnancy or
misinformation on the man’s part. Lacking the right knowledge causes him to make inaccurate assumptions and unnecessarily strain their sexual life.
Sometimes the couple drifts apart and loses their emotional connection because of this.
Other times the man may get shaken and traumatized along the way. Did he get into the delivery ward and what did he witness? Before a man decides how far he wants to get involved the couple should get full information. Some hospitals have policies limiting how much men can get exposed to.
As a man it’s very important to educate yourself about the process of pregnancy and childbirth and how it affects physical intimacy. Some men stop getting intimate too early into the pregnancy or they take too long to resume after delivery thinking it’s a caring act to the wife while in fact he’s depriving her.
The solution here is sufficient information and taking the journey together day by day.
Also, was the pregnancy agreed upon? There are times when couples disagree on whether or when to get another child and if the woman decides to conceive without his knowledge problems can follow. It becomes very hard for the man to journey with you emotionally when he was not prepared for it and when he feels cheated.