‘Why bring up the past?-Benjamin Zulu


‘Why bring up the past? You can’t change anything now. It already happened. Accept and move on.’
This is the most frequently used way to silence people when they try to bring up what hurt them. Yet a doctor can never term your injury as being in the past when it’s still bleeding and hurting today.

Whatever is still painful is not in the past but in your present. It may have happened when you were twelve and you’re forty now, but the memories still haunt you. You still find yourself unable to move past the blockade that experience put in your life. Like inability to trust and invest yourself emotionally in relationships because of a parent who abandoned you. Or a tendency to put others first at your own expense because you were made to serve the adults in your life to win their affection as a child.

In short, if the inpact is present, that event is relevant in your life today, however far back it dates. Do not accept to be silenced from healing what still hurts in your life.

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