Why Mandera South MP is the Best Countywide


Mandera South member of parliament The Honorable Abdul Haro Kore is by far the best member of parliament Countywide, based and backed by his forthrightness, principles and a strong zeal to deliver towards his call of duty.

He notes,”Today, I had the privilege of presenting my proposed Teachers Service Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2023 before the National Assembly’s education committee.

The bill, that is close to my heart, aims to make significant improvements for teachers, including ensuring that Acting Adminsitrators are promoted in a structured manner and providing additional allowances on top of their regular pay.

It also seeks to ensure fairness in acting positions, ensuring that acting appointments are not governed through a regulation but a firm legislation.

I’m truly delighted to share that the committee, which I’m a part of, showed strong support for the majority of the amendments I proposed for the commission.

It’s crucial to establish predictability and certainty in the management of allowances in the teaching profession.
Let’s continue working together to improve the lives of our dedicated educators and enhance the quality of education in our nation.Ballaanteenu Waa shaqo”

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