World Wetlands Day to be Celebrated at Lake Narasha in Uasin Gishu County


This year we are celebrating wetlands and human wellbeing during the World Wetlands Day on 2 February 2024 at Lake Narasha in Uasin Gishu County.

Wetlands are rich reservoirs of biodiversity that are vital for humanity and nature to thrive.

Preserving wetlands is essential not only for people’s ecological health but also for the many benefits they provide to human societies ensuring a harmonious coexistence with nature.
World Wetlands Day is celebrated each year on 2 February to raise awareness about wetlands. This day also marks the anniversary of the Convention on Wetlands, which was adopted as an international treaty in 1971.

Nearly 90% of the world’s wetlands have been degraded since the 1700s, and we are losing wetlands three times faster than forests. Yet, wetlands are critically important ecosystems that contribute to biodiversity, climate mitigation and adaptation, freshwater availability, world economies and more.

It is urgent that we raise national and global awareness about wetlands in order to reverse their rapid loss and encourage actions to conserve and restore them.

World Wetlands Day is the ideal time to increase people’s understanding of these critically important ecosystems.

“Wetlands and Human Wellbeing” is the theme for World Wetlands Day 2024. In Kenya, the event will be held at Lake Narasha (Timboroa Dam).

This year’s campaign spotlights how interconnected wetlands and human life are — with people drawing sustenance, inspiration and resilience from these productive ecosystems. Importantly, the theme for 2024 underscores how all aspects of human wellbeing are tied to the health of the world’s wetlands. It calls on each of us to value and steward our wetlands. Every wetland matters. Every effort counts.

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