You become rich in your mind long before you become rich in your bank


You become rich in your mind long before you become rich in your bank. You embody it before you can manifest it. You must see it before you can seize it.

After you visualise, then you can actualize.

In order to buy things without looking at the price tag, you have to work without looking at the clock.

You have to worry more about the results than about who gets the credit. Money is more energetic than it is fortune or numbers.

When your account balance is higher or lower than your current mental state, it will disturb you until you bring it to your comfort level. If it’s higher, you will spend it or lend it away. If it’s lower, you will do all you can to bring it up.

So if you want to raise your overall financial float, where do you start the change? In your mind. You set a new account balance in your mind and visualise it until you’re accustomed to it. And then you will find ways to bring that new vision to reality.

This explains why many staff disappear from work after receiving their pay. The new bank balance is above their mental balance, and they can not rest until they bring it down. And yet among them there are others, usually the more senior staff, with millions in the account but they’ve forgotten about it and they continue to show up at work until they accumulate it to a certain target amount. The difference between these people is purely mental and energetic. Not their family or educational background.

And, luckily, your mindset is completely in your control.

You can raise your mental thermostat today. It will take some mental gymnasium to make it your new normal, but it’ll be worth it. Stop opening your mouth anyhow and spitting what you’re thinking.

Stop chattering and bantering endlessly – too much noise is detrimental to creativity and mental peace. You don’t have to participate in every conversation.

Change your company to suit your new way of life. Your old friends may not welcome your change. Be alone for a while until you meet like minded people.

Lastly, read and converse on this level through auxiliary means like online forums and networking. That’s how you tap into the new energy and make it your normal.
(©️ Benjamin Zulu Global)

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