Youths in Kimumu Accuse Area Chief and ACC for Corruption and Tribalism in Kazi Mtaani recruitment


Youths in Kimumu are up -in arms accusing their area Chief and ACC of corruption and tribalism in recruiting Kazi Mtaani beneficiaries.

Speaking to the press they said the process was marred with unfairness lack of transparency, bribery and ethnicity were the order of the day.

“As youths from Kimumu Ward, Moiben Costuency we are not happy with what is going on we applied for Kazi Mtaani and we were told that our names are in the system only to come today to find out that our names were removed and people from other places recruited. This is uncalled for and ill-intended and it’s sad that our chief and ACC Moiben are the ones involved,” Anthony Kipkemboi said.

They said that it’s sad that they are now using another list.
“I applied for Kazi Mtaani in Kimumu Ward and my name was in the system but I was shocked that my name was not on the list that was read but people from Kesses and other places that their names were read. We tried to reach the ACC and the chief but only gave us false promises we have stayed here the whole day but nothing has been done,” Millicent Ogola added.

The youths now want the Uasin Gishu County Commissioner and president Uhuru Kenyatta to intervene and ensure that all the youths from Kimumu get what is meant for them and not that people from other places enjoy what is not theirs.

Isaac Kiprotich Kimumu resident says “We are calling on President Uhuru Kenyatta and Uasin Gishu County Commissioner to intervene, surely even Kazi Mtaani you need to give bribes before you are employed? Please Mr. President come to our rescue,”

Dennis Koech wrote “Why is it that our area Chief and ACC have refused to address us this shows that there is something that they are hiding from us, we want straightforward answers if we are in or not,”

However, our efforts to reach the area Chief and Moiben ACC were since they refused to talk to the press.
Phase three of the National Hygiene Program (NHP) dubbed Kazi Mtaani which aims to provide employment to youths in informal settlements has been launched this follows the registration of the program by the government on November 19, 2021.


By Nick Kipchumba

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