Every entrepreneur is a thief. And before you take that literally, I mean, every entrepreneur looks around for whose brains to steal.

Maybe you are yet to understand what I am saying.

Entrepreneurs are ordinary people who put together extraordinary brains, so as to achieve an extra-ordinary result.

If all my above analogies seem not clear, listen to this;

The difference between entrepreneurs and employees is that entrepreneurs are team builders while employees are lone-rangers.

Most employees are brilliant people who pursue their financial dreams all alone.

They are accountants who only do accounting and lawyers who only argue cases.

They are drivers who only drive and bankers who only do banking work.

This is unlike entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs are people who build a team of every profession they need, to achieve their end goals.

An entrepreneur may have 10 people in his team. An accountant, a graphic designer, a driver, a marketer, a banker and others, lawyer, editor, customer care reps etc.

You get the picture.

One man works alone to make his living, another man works with 25 other smart people.

Who out of them will be rich?

Who out of them is smarter?

One man uses two hands to make money, another uses 1,000 hands.

Who will be richer?

*What Do I Want You to Do?*

First stop complaining about what the government does and doesn’t.

Complaining is a way of giving excuses.

Second, open your mind to the way you can work with other people.

The Bible has said it thousands of years ago; two are better than one.

Ten are better than two. 100 people are better than 10.

The more people you can work with, the richer you can become.

I got my breakthrough in the business world when I figured out how to make more than 200 people partner with my company.

Today I have a network of hundreds of people all across my country and abroad, all available to work as partners with my company.

I have few employees and technologies, all available to work with and for me.

Who do you think will be richer out of me and my age mates who are Accountants, bankers, lawyers (lone-rangers) who are working with their two hands?

You don’t need a prophet to get the answer.

The secrets entrepreneurs use to make millions are no secrets at all.

Improve your human relationship skills.

Learn and figure out how to work with other smart people.

Go into partnership.

Collaborate and exchange strengths.

This is one of my secrets.

I shared it with you because I love you and I really want to see you becoming the next successful entrepreneur in Kenya..


Justine Nyachieo
Business Man & Mentor

Timothy Angwenyi
Business Consultant

Post Author

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