Mama Ida Odinga Endorses Faith Anne Musikoyo For the Nairobi Umoja 2 Ward Seat


Mama Ida Odinga thee Wife to thee opposition leader Raila Odinga has endorsed the youthful and renowned journalist Faith Anne Musikoyo
Umoja 2 ward, Embakasi West constituency.

This comes after she received her blessings from at the Tamarind Hotel Nairobi.

Mama Ida while addressing the Azimio Young Turks gathering, Praised Hon Faith Anne, as a hardworking and down to earth lady who will take the Ward to the next level.

“Faith is a diligent and courageous lady to be emulated and given chance to pursue her dreams,” Mama Ida Odinga said.

In her own words, Mama Ida also blessed Kiongozi and told her to never relent, because she has the blessings of the mother of the nation.

The Incoming First Lady also adressed the issue of teenage pregnancy, and defiantly swore that she will work with Female leaders like Hon Faith Anne to eradicate the vice in the country.

On Women Leadership, The first Lady urged the men to grant Women Equal rights, and urged the electorates to consider women leaders, moreso the budding young women. ‘ Give these young women chance to lead, they are the future of our mother country.’ First Lady Ida Odinga insisted.

She says that once elected She says she will listen and implement practical ideas that are geared towards improving the ward
“In my role as the next Umoja 2 MCA if elected, I will ensure that there is equal and equitable resource distribution and that our issues are well presented on the assembly floor for considerations,” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Every voice and opinion must be heard, analyzed, and embraced for a better Umoja 2,” she said.

The Umoja 2 Ward aspirant is currently supporting various youth sports clubs to nurture untapped talents.

“With the network, I have built over the years, I will work to provide more opportunities to the youth and women in my ward. I plan to develop an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub/Centre for skills development and job creation that will spur economic growth,” Anne said.
She says she supports Azimio la Umoja under the great leadership of Raila Amollo Odinga, a good shepherd in our Kenyan democracy.
“Leadership is a calling, I have accepted the call and am ready to serve once elected. My leadership style is one that appreciates listening to people, engaging them, and deriving solutions together,” she added.

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