Busia Governor, H.E Sospeter Ojaamong has stated categorically that he is not an enemy of any Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya Alliance aspirants who are contesting for various positions in the August 9th, 2022 general elections.

Addressing an Azimio rally at Butula market that was graced by Azimio Presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, H.E Ojaamong said Azimio is one family which needs everybody’s support for it to garner many seats.

” I am not an enemy of Gubernatorial candidate of Dr Paul Otuoma. We are one family which needs concerted efforts to tame our opponents at the polls,” he said.

Azimio National Executive Council Member and Kakamega Governor, Wycliffe Oparanya urged two Azimio Gubernatorial aspirants, Dr Otuoma of ODM and Deputy Governor, H.E Moses Mulomi (DAP-K) to sit down and pick one of them to run for the seat.

Raila addressed rallies at Butula Market, Nambale, Amukura and Busia County Stadium flanked by Deputy Governor, Mulomi, First Lady Judy Ojaamong, Cotu Secretary General, Francis Atwoli, Governor Wilber Ottichilo (Vihiga).

Raila said his desire for economic revolution is to drive poverty, disease and ignorance by putting various structures in place to rescue Kenyans from various upheavals.

” A Raila Presidency will see the introduction of Free secondary, tertiary and university education. This is aimed at giving all students equal opportunities, ” he said.

The ODM Party leader said his presidency will see the increase in equitable share to counties from the current 15 percent to 35%, noting that this will realize infrastructure improvement like tarmacking of rural roads.

He added: ” The vulnerable including women single parents, widows and persons with disabilities will be included in the social protection programme where each of them will be given a stipend of Ksh.6000 per month.

On health, Raila said Busia County Referral Hospital will be elevated to Level 6 status with more elaborate plans to revamp the health sector including introduction of Baba Care programme that will ensure every Kenyan accesses insurance cover with those who are unable being catered for by the Government.

He revealed his government will introduce Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) where those with skills in areas they have comparative advantage will be given certificates and granted resources from the government to help them raise their economic status.

Busia Deputy Governor, Moses Mulomi said Raila is sure bet to be the 5th President of Kenya, urging the electorate to give him mandate to inherit H.E Ojaamong as the Governor of Busia County.

Busia First Lady, Judy Ojaamong said Busia is the bedroom of Baba, urging county residents to rally behind Raila to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta.She also endorsed Dr Paul Otuoma to succeed her husband.

Senatorial seat aspirant on National Reconstruction Alliance (NRA), Okiya Omutatah lashed out at those clamouring for six piece suit for individual parties saying each of Azimio affiiate parties should be allowed to field candidates in all seats that are up for grabs including Governor, Senator, Women Rep, MPs and MCAs.

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