A Mathematics Teacher Caught in Bed Red-handed With a Form Four Student


A mathematics teacher at a girls secondary school in Navakholo,Kakamega county, is on the run after he was caught in bed with a form four student.

According to DCI reports Enoch Osero escaped into darkness through a window at the back of his house, soon after his fellow teachers and the school watchman stormed his house at 3am yesterday morning.

This is after a 19-year-old student at the school went missing for two weeks, after she was sent home to collect school fees. The student is reported not to have reached home, since a mischievous Osero clandestinely sneaked her to his house.

He is said to have promised private remedial tuition to the candidate set to sit the forthcoming national examinations, to cover for the missed classes.

However, fellow teachers got wind of Osero’s escapades and stormed his house in the devil’s hour, forcing him to take flight through the window. The teachers who were chanting war cries baying for their colleague’s blood accused him of bringing the name of the noble teaching profession into disrepute.

The school’s board of management convened in the morning, to determine the fate of Osero who was yet to be confirmed as a permanent employee.

Meanwhile, the student was escorted to Navakholo medical hospital for necessary tests.

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