Kenyans Atack Cherangany MP Joshua Kutuny After He Posted Photos of Opposition Leader Raila Odinga in Cherangany


Kenyans have attacked Cherangany member of parliament Joshua Kutuny after he posted this photos on his Facebook Page.

Kutuny posted photos of Opposition leader Raila Odinga on his tour to familiarize Azimio la Umoja inititiave

Through his official Facebook Page “Sisi watu wa Cherangany ni wapenda Amani karibu tena Baba. Tunawakaribisha wageni wengine wanaopanga kuja Cherangany wiki ijayo,” he wrote

Kutuny is a staunch supporter of president Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga handshake and the Building Bridges Initiative which was recently annulled by the Court of appeal judges who termed it as null and void.

The Cherangany legislator is also a big critique of the deputy president William Ruto who has declared his interest for the presidency come 2022.

But his bid has been rubbished by the dynasties who have termed him as not fit to be the country’s president.

It’s only time that will tell if he will be reelected or not since anyone who goes against the deputy president cannot even be elected as an MCA.

His post received mixed reactions here are some of their comments

Constant Kuta says “Wageni wanakaribishwa kila sehemu ya Kenya.Hata mimi nitakuja Cherengany mwaka ujao,”

Sam Masika says “Baba is welcome in Trans Nzoia but clearly we know who’s the president of the people of that county. Rais ni Ruto,”

Arapahoe Korret says “If you want to know where Kenya came from then follow Rt. and if you want to know the future and it’s fruits follow out able Dp.
Ni hayo tu kwa sasa,”

Jamin Kirui says “Abdi Arap Asman Opz uko ground test the litmus paper wacha mambo y social media mapema sana next yr we send back to #Switzerland,”

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