Elgeyo Marakwet Farmers receive dairy cows From The County Government


Farmers from Kamariny Ward,Keiyo North Sub County are today a happy lot after the County Government delivered dairy cows to them.

57 cows were delivered to the eager farmers after they prioritized purchase of dairy cows during their public participation exercise.

Livestock,fisheries & cooperatives CEC Dr.Joseph Kiyeng who oversaw the distribution said the county project is geared towards improvement of dairy farmers livelihoods both financialy, nutrition improvement and enhance food security.

Kiyeng said the programme will gradually increase Kapteren milk cooling plant milk capacity to an average of 8,000 litres up from the current 2,000 litres in three years time.

” We are also improving our dairy breed in the County through introduction of pedigree heifers from outside the County that will eventualy transform our dairy sector”.

Cornelius Kibet, one of the beneficiary is elated.He said the dairy cow he received will create a huge impact in his family financialy.

He added; “We will no longer be buying milk which we have been struggling to.I will now divert all my energies into taking care of this cow”.

Milk production in the county has seen a gradual improvement from an average of 3 litres of milk per cow to the current 8 litres.

The County Government is set to distribute more than 800 cows to farmers in the County during 2021/2022 financial year.

Also pesent during the exercise included area Ward administrator Micah Kiplimo and livestock officers .

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