Colleagues and friends Bade Goodbye to People’s OCS, Chief Inspector Albert Kipchumba in Style


Colleagues and friends held a surprise farewell party as they bade goodbye to the People’s OCS, Chief Inspector Albert Kipchumba

Kipchumba is proceeding for Peacekeeping Operations in Abyei, a contested area between Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan.

The immediate former OCS Sabasaba is celebrated for being a Community Policing champion known for his spirited campaigns against unregulated brews, drug and substance abuse. Chief Inspector Kipchumba will be taking a new role as an Advisor at the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA).

Residents and his colleagues showered the charismatic OCS with kind words when he showed up for the brief party in the company of his family. Chief Inspector Albert Kipchumba has also served as OCS Gilgil, Mandera and Bumala police stations.

We at the National Police Service have no doubt that Albert Kipchumba will deliver on his role during his tenure at the international stage. We wish you, C.I Albert Kipchumba well, as you prepare to assume your new role.

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