Turbo MP Issues 300 NHIF Cards to Her Constituents


Turbo member of parliament Janet Sitienei has issued NHIF cards to over 300 people.

Speaking to the press Sitienei said this will help them quality healthcare.

“Today we have issued 300 people with NHIF cards this will help the access quality healthcare at an affordable rate. I am determined to ensure thta everyone gets quality healthcare despite his or her finavila status,” she said at the Turbo constituency office.

She also awarded Artificial insemination (AI) containers to trained veterinary officers.

The Turbo legislator further opened teachers quarters at St Anthony Boinet secondary school, Kamagut ward and inspected the ongoing construction of a modern laboratory

Speaking at the event Hon Janet pleaded with the residents to maintain peace and harmony during the campaign period as well us to register with the UDA party.

“I want you to maintain peace before during and after that general elections, ” she added

The area residents thanked Hon JR on various projects she has done in the region as well as equity in bursary distribution.

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