Kapseret Constituency UDA Aspirant Ditches UDA Party


Kapseret constituency Aspirant Francis Murgor has ditched UDA party.

He said he ditched UDA party due to personal reasons.

“For the past few weeks, together with my team we have been pondering about the nomination process of the UDA party. I have in my opinion concluded that the said party will have allot of challenges during nominations process,” said the Kapseret MP aspirant while speaking to the press.

Murgor will be competing with the deputy president allied MP Oscar Sudi who is serving his second term as an MP.

“With this and other personal reasons and after careful consideration I have resigned from the UDA party. I will be therefore be running on an independent party ticket,” he added.

He says he will vote for William Ruto because he believes and is in line with his agenda for three country.

“I am not in any way going against the deputy president. I will also remain focused on my agenda to bring change in Kapseret and I will work with the deputy president when elected president of the republic of Kenya,” he said.

Murgor said he will not be affiliated with any other candidate running on an independent ticket in the region.

“I therefore want to ask people of Kapseret to ignore the propaganda and malicious politics that has already been engineered by our opponents about being an independent candidate and focus on changing the leadership in our constituency,” he said.

He called on Kesses residents to vote for him in the fourthcoming genera elections.

“I want to urge all Kenyans to exercise peacefull campaigns, and peaceful elections during this period. Let us remain vigilant and watch out for each other remembering that we will need a country after elections,’ he said.

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