What Buzeki Should Do to Be Governor – Kimutai Kirui


Buzeki is a brilliant leader, But general feeling in a section of the people,say “there’s too much threats, coercion or arrogance around candidature of Buzeki.”

Buzeki must be refined and be polished.

Buzeki must do away with Tai Ole Tai.
IPO SIKU is fairer but carries distasteful undertones.
Most of these slogans are domains of trade unions,civil actors , crusaders or liberators

Raila ran “Tibiiim,Tiala” ,as a liberation slogan, was perfect in the streets,slums and rallies.

He made many believe Tibim – Tiala was ushering in a new Kenya of good governance, constitutionalism, rule of law and democracy.

Raila made us believe Kalenjin was the problem in Kenya during Moi’s regime.
He made us believe Kikuyu is a mess we Kenyans had to get rid of to be better.
He coined 41 against 1.

Ironically,he ended up cleansing and supporting the authors of the same mess – Moi,Kibaki and Uhurue ,he fought against.

Today,as he eats with Uhuru waiting to be made president,No more Tiala,No more Tibim.

Buzeki promise to do everything but nothing in particular as a priority

Want to fix a bad economy? Unemployment? Bad farming practices or Clanism ?

Clanism is an informal social network marked by “extensive network of kin and fictive kin ties, or perceived and imagined kinship relations in this case -Nandi – Keiyo axis.
Add that to 2017 Buzeki – Kikuyu factor.

Buzeki,I repeat must embrace Nandi community more than anything else.

Buzeki must not over hype campaign expectations.
He’ll be unreal

Is Buzeki Dr Ruto’s good student and Jubilee?

– In six months a stadium in…in one year this and that road in.
– In one year every school going child will have a laptop…in the first year we’ll grow the economy..sijui double digits.
– In a less than year there’ll be electricity in every home.

How’ll he fix Wage bill?

Buzeki want a stadium complete and a team playing in the Premier league in unspecified time in Eldoret, Buzeki want to create an industrial park in unspecified period in Eldoret, Buzeki want a thriving economy without laid down structures…

Where’ll funds come from?

What if Dr Ruto is president, Buzeki a governor and MCAS UDA?

Will he have the command and the clout Obado has?

How’ll Buzeki transact business?
How’ll Buzeki bring all MCAS on board to support his agenda?

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