Marakwet Professionals Want President Uhuru Kenyatta to Stop Kerio Valley Killings


Marakwet professionals now want president Uhuru Kenyatta to stop killings in Kerio Valley.

Speaking to the press in Eldoret town after holding peaceful demonstrations they said the killings are uncalled and those involved should be arrested and brought to book.

“We want to call upon president Uhuru Kenyatta to intervene and stop the killings in Kerion Valley, as I am talking students are not going to school, and people don’t go to farms. Why is the government neglecting us, are we fewer Kenyans,” said Nelson Kiprono Lagat .
They noted that the bodaboda sector in the region has stopped since bandits are laying ambush along the roads.

“CS George Magoha as the advisor to the president on matters of education what have you done when you hear about the killings of school-going children in Kerio valley. KNUT secretary and teachers have spoken but CS Magoha is his 100 CS transition where will he get when children are not going to school. We had proposed a live fence but nothing has been done to separate us,” he added.

They wondered
why is president Uhuru Kenyatta Celebrating Madaraka day yet there is insecurity in Kerio Valley.
“Government through the National Assembly should come up with the bill and ensure the word banditry is removed and those criminals should be classified as a sect that is organized crime,” Lagat said.

Elizabeth Jeruto Korir representing women from Elgeyo Marakwet said they are heartened because their children, mother, and husbands have been killed.

“For the last six months we have lost 107 people and we will not allow it to continue. I want to ask president Uhuru Kenyatta how can you celebrate Madaraka day while your people are being killed. Please do something to stop these killings,” Korir said.

“The government should enhance security or we carry the bodies and take them to Nairobi because we are crying since a child eleven years how can you sleep while such has happened,” he added.

Ken Chemases Elgeyoyo Marakwet “The government should just declare Elgeyo Marakwet as a death valley since the government has failed in bringing sanity in the regions. We call upon Kenyatta to rise up to the task and serve Kenyans irrespective of the political divide and we are no longer proud to be Kenyans due to the insecurity cases,”

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