Wareng/Nyakinyua Dance Troupe Want President Uhuru Kenyatta help Them Get Tittle Deeds


More than 300 surviving members of Wareng/Nyakinyua dance troupe in
Uasin Gishu County want President Uhuru Kenyatta to help them get
title deeds for their prime 80 acres of land estimated at sh 800
million in the outskirts of Eldoret town.

They claimed that the multi-million shillings property which was given
to them over 50 years ago by the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, the father of the outgoing Head of State has been grabbed by influential personalities due to lack of the crucial document.

Led by Mrs Pauline Mwangi, 70, the members asked the President to move
with speed and issue them with title deeds before he exits office after the August 9 general election to enable them sub-divide the land among individual members.

“We are appealing to President Uhuru Kenyatta to issue us with title
deeds before he leaves office after the upcoming general election so that our children can have a secure future long after we are gone,” cried Mrs Mwangi, a widow.

She said that they have been unable to access their property which
they only have a mother title deed, after some people, key among them
influential personalities, claim to own vast part of it.

The new owners, she claims, took advantage of the 2007/2008 post election violence to grab their property after they escaped to save their lives during the political skirmishes following the outcome of
disputed Presidential election results.

Speaking in Timboroa trading centre along the busy Eldoret-Nakuru highway where they leave as squatters, said they cannot bury their kin because of the land ownership feud.

Another member, Peter Mathu said that the majority of their members
have died even before benefiting from the share of the prime land that
was given to them by the founding President.

“Our prayer to President Kenyatta is to help expedite issuance of
title deed to the surviving members of Wareng/Nyakinyua from Uasin
Gishu County before his term of office ends,” pleaded Mathu, 76.

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