Once you Hit 30 Declare Your Independence From All Authority


Benjamin Zulu

Once you hit 30 whether you’re married or not, declare your independence from all authority figures: parents and pastors. Why? You need room to experiment and find your path in life without seeking permission from too many quarters.

It doesn’t mean you rebel, but that you step back and conceal a huge chunk of your operations from their view. They have mentored you enough now and you’re very grateful, but if you’re not allowed to venture out on your own all your learning with rot in the cold, never exposed to the world and groomed to fruition through personal practise.

When you get your spouse, the two of you form a sovereign unit. Make your decisions and when you fail you learn together without letting anyone make you feel guilty.

If anyone is 30 and they still need approval of their parents or spiritual leaders, they’re too weak willed and dependent. You want somebody who has enough confidence to launch out and learn on the way.

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