Busia Governor, HE Dr Paul Nyongesa Otuoma has stated categorically that he had no hand in the nomination of 18 Members of the County Assembly of Busia to meet the gender threshold.

Speaking in Kakemer, during the homecoming celebration of Teso North Member of Parliament, Dr Oku Kaunya, the Governor said Teso North was not discriminated in the nomination of MCAs to the positions on technicalities as per the political parties act.

” The law is very clear that no nomination can be executed if a party wins only one seat as exhibited in the August 9, 2022 general elections where ODM won only one seat through Deputy Speaker and Malaba Central MCA, Hon Ronald Ochalu,” he said.

Dr Otuoma reiterated that nominations were done by political parties and not him, noting that his pivotal role is the appointment of County Executive Committee Members and Chief Officers, then Tesos should judge my appointment criteria.

The County boss thanked Teso North residents for voting for him enmasse by delivering over 20,000 votes which was no mean achievement, telling them that they have direct entry in his administration,” he noted.

He added, ” This is your government.You must be in my government where you will get what you deserve by virture of the honour you bestowed upon me during the polls. ”

Deputy Governor, Arthur Odera said Teso North did not qualify to get any ODM nomination after securing only one elected seat, adding that out of six MCAs elected only DAP-K won two seats that saw it given one nomination slot while five other parties including ODM, DAP-K, MDG, Wiper and Maendeleo Chap Chap got one nomination each.

” The law is clear that a party that produces at least two MCAs in a sub county will get one nomination, two slots for four elected and four nominations for six elected, ” he said, telling those spreading falsehood to stop cheap machinations.

ODM Deputy Party Leader and immediate Kakamega Governor, Wycliffe Oparanya described Dr Otuoma as a workaholic who worked with him in the cabinet during the reign of Mwai Kibaki.

Oparanya who delivered ODM party leader, Raila Odinga’s greetings urged Busia leaders to work with the Governor , adding that they are firm and have accepted to be in the opposition.

Iteso Cultural Leader, Emorimor Papa Iteso Paul Sande Emolot said the change of attitude to give Hon Oku Kaunya an historic two terms should be embraced by the Iteso community which has a culture of giving their leaders only one term.

The Iteso King said he met Dr Otuoma in Soroti before the elections where he wished him well with his Deputy Governor.” My appeal is for the Teso North and Teso South MPs and MCAs to work together with the Governor to bring fruits to Teso region which in turn will bring unity to the region, ” he noted.

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