National Government Departments Endorse Municipality Of Eldoret Conferment To City Status


The Ad-hoc committee of Municipality of Eldoret conferment to city status today engaged , NEMA, Immigration, G.K Prison, MSEA, KVDA, County Commissioner’s office representative, among other National Government Departments and agencies in a public participation that saw all agencies that attended endorse the elavation of Eldoret town to a City.

The Kenya Power and Lightning Company has fully endorsed the conferment of Municipality of Eldoret to city status echoing that Uasin Gishu County is the second highest in distribution substations after Nairobi hence a clear indication of its capability to provide efficient power to its residents.

Eng. Peter Njoroge Kamau in his presentation affirmed that KPLC fully supports the city status and that Eldoret is currently supplied with power lines upto 3,000km and becoming a city will open up potential for more investors.

Immigration representative Mr. Shadrack Yego echoed the same noting that with attainment of city status ,the city shall become another immigration regional office which will create more job opportunities and more service delivery to the citizens.

NEMA County Director Ms.Sally Kibos agreed that Eldoret has a functional environment committee that has overseen implementation of policies and Environmental laws including proper zoning for industrial and commercial utilities , protection of wet lands and river fronts as well as ensuring there is a clear disposal of waste within the city.

G.K Prison representative Superintendent Robert Cheruiyot agreed that the city status would open market for their produce and explained the role of GK prison in the city as correctional centre.

County Commissioner’s office representative Mr. Omwenga Aphexord said that multi agency approach in ensuring peace and cohesion in the region is key as Eldoret stands as a business hub for the Northrift Region.

KVDA representative Mr. Festus Makilap, said that the elavation to city status meant more market to their products including office space, car parking, honey among other products.

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