President Ruto: We Will Leverage On Technology To Roll Out UHC


President William Ruto has said Kenya will employ technology to roll out the Universal Health Care (UHC) programme.

The President said this will ensure efficiency, stop pilferage and secure access for all Kenyans, especially those at the bottom of the wealth pyramid.

“UHC is a top priority for this administration. We need to reconfigure how we deliver health services and technology is the solution,” he added.

The President was speaking on Thursday when he met Africa Director at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Cheikh Oumar Seydi at State House, Nairobi.

Mr Oumar said the foundation sees an opportunity to expand programmes in Kenya and will support the quest for a successful rollout of UHC.

President Ruto noted that it was time Africa supplemented rain-fed agriculture with irrigation to tame food shortage.

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