How to create Wealth and Riches


Many people pray and wait for some miracle to happen for them to become rich. Well, that kind of approach doesn’t work. Money is a product of creativity. Some people end up in greed and use shortcuts in their pursuit for financial success. That always leads to sorrows. We must look at money and wealth as products of the creative abilities that God has given everyone.

To create something, you must have creative skills. To have creative skills, you must be trained and mentored. The bible says that our memory must be filled with God’s word who then gives us power to create wealth.

Deu 8:18 LHB But you shall remember the LORD your God: for it is he that gives you power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he swore unto your fathers, as it is this day.

The scripture above talks about the following:

1. Memory

You must fill your memory with God’s word. You must remember and use God’s word in everything you do. God’s word never returns void. It accomplishes everything it talks about.

2. Power

This comes when you pray in tongues. The mysteries surrounding money will be unveiled as you pray earnestly in tongues. Tongues is the purest way of creating new things and in this case, money!

After praying in tongues, confess success based on the word you have hidden in your heart.

3. Creativity

You must move away from the traditional and common ways of thinking. To create wealth, you must have ideas that are uncommon. Your ability to solve problems must be superior. This calls for study. Read and read again. If you barely read or even finish the books you’ve started to read, forget financial success. It doesn’t come to lazy people.

Rich people read atleast two books a week. How many books on finances have you read this month? The answer should indicate why you’re where you are financially. Rich people work and work again. They are busy reading, talking and doing the right things. This is because they are mentored and are easy to lead. They are also reliable. That’s why their goods and services are best sellers.

4. Money is a covenant

You must fulfil what is required for money to come to you. Money is like a marriage. You have to learn how to love, give, nurture, communicate, forgive and patiently develop your character if your marriage is to work. The same applies to money. You must learn to relate to money with the mindset of one fulfilling the requirements of a covenant. A covenant has obligations. Fulfil your side of the bargain in any given agreement, contract or project. Do that excellently and the covenant of money will work for your benefit.

5. Credit

You must acquire and properly utilise credit facilities. Rich people never use their own money for business. They use other people’s money. Learn how to borrow, invest and then pay back with interest. The best way to learn about credit and debit is by reading books and watching videos created by succesful entrepreneurs.

6. Invest in assets. Use a percentage of your income to purchase assets. These could be stocks, apartments, pieces of land, NFTs (see my teaching on Non Fungible Tokens), or any other thing that can bring you income whether actively or passively. The cheapest asset will ultimately make you rich. Be an asset collector!

Now, go out there and create something that solves problems or is a solution to a problem. Write down your problem solving method clearly using business language. Do the mathematics of numbers. In other words, draw a feasible business plan complete with cash flow, projected profit and loss accounts etc.

If you don’t know how it’s done, get some training or help from one who knows. There simply isn’t a short cut towards riches.

By Apostle John Hellon

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