County Government Committed to improve Livelihoods Through County Enterprise Development Fund


The County Government of Uasin Gishu is keen and committed to enhancing the livelihoods of the residents through county initiatives and programs such as the County Enterprise Development Fund and Inua Biashara.

County Enterprise Development Fund (CEDF) established in 2014 has so far disbursed loans amounting to Kshs 648,939,999 to 234 cooperative societies across the County that include; 62 marketing coops, 57 investment/value addition cooperatives, 42 Saccos, 17 youth cooperatives, 19 women cooperatives, 11 traders SACCOs and 26 other cooperatives on asset financing.

Speaking while representing H.E. Governor Jonathan Bii, CECM Cooperatives and Enterprise Development Eng. Martha Cheruto said that the administration will continue providing guidelines and policies that will see CEDF self-sustainable therefore continuing to enhance livelihoods up to the grassroots level for enhanced service delivery.

Eng Cheruto noted that the decentralization of services is geared towards the nguzo Kumi manifesto that is set to enhance cooperatives revolving fund to enable coops to access affordable funding, build a robust coop movement, optimize CEDF Act 2019 to streamline Fund management and encourage Cooperative enterprises to borrow Funds from the kitty.

According to Acting Chief Officer for Cooperatives and Enterprise Development Isaac Lagat, the departmental strategic plan will go hand in hand with the CIDP so that they can realise sustainability to enhance repayments, monitoring and evaluation notwithstanding the revival of dormant ones.

Philip Mamet, Chairperson CEDF said the loan repayments are at 221,458,583 and that the Fund has asset financed a number of cooperatives societies including; Tuiyotich FCS(pickup), Tuiyoluk (Lorry), New Progressive (tractor), Olendu (sawmill and tractor), and Kibagenge bodaboda Sacco (motorbikes) among others.

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