Kenyans Reacts After Mbita MP Millie Odhiambo Posted a Photo of Former Rarieda MP


Kenyans have reacted reacfed after Mbita Member of parliament Millie Odhiambo posted a photo of former Rarieda MP Nicholus Gumbo

Through her official Facebook page she posted “Hon Gumbo is the former MP Rarieda,”

Gumbo vied for the Siaya gubernatorial seat on a UDM party ticket but lost to Orengo who vied on an ODM party ticket .

Odhiambo who was elected on a ODM party ticket is a big supporter of the opposition leader Raila Odinga.

Odinga vied for the presidency in the August polls but was defeated by president William Ruto.

The Mbita legislator is a nice critique of president wiliam Ruto’s adminstration.

Her post recieved mixed reactions here are some of their comments.

Apostle Charles says “I knew Eng.Gumbo when I was The Office Manager of LDP by then Avery powerful Man assertive and upright I wish Siaya County could have Elected him The Governor,”

Adhiambo Obonyo says “My favorite politician.
A great man of our time,”

Margaret Ochieng says “All I can say is that all Luo leaders since independence have done their best since independence despite all the marginalisation. For those we categorise as non performers just had a culture shock of all of sudden having control of alot of government money,”

Geoffrey Ouma says “That’s my personal friend n favourite politician Hon. Engineer Gumbo….he is a down to earth man who listens to every person, he doesn’t have barriers to be reached….He is equally a well established Bussinesman,”

Philip Okelo says “So Millie Mabona just posted
Hon Gumbo is the former MP for Rarieda
And now all hell has broken loose,there are insults and counter insults flying from every where to nowhere eishhh Awuoro!!!!!,”

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