Kakamega County Launches Agri-Nutrition Implementation Strategy


Kakamega First Lady Prof. Janet Kassilly Barasa presided over the official launch of County Agri-Nutritional Implementation (ANIS) Strategy (2023-2027).

The launch which domesticates the National Agri-Nutrition Implementation Strategy at the County also provides a framework on how the county can be food secure and at the same time improve nutrition among its residents.

The First Lady appreciated development partners among them; USAID Advancing Nutrition, ADS-W, USAID KE and East Africa Mission Office, FDI World Vision, SUN-Scaling Up Nutrition as well Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) for their support.

She further commended the team that synergized the process for their multisectoral approach which borne the strategy and challenged the CECM for Agriculture, Livestock , Fisheries and Cooperatives Mr. Benjamin Andama, who was present, to remain committed to the implementation of the plan.

Prof. Kassilly who is also the County Nutrition Champion expressed optimism that the interventions put in place would enhance food and nutrition security, which is a key pillar in H.E FCPA Governor Fernandes Barasa’s manifesto.

Mr Andama assured that his team will work closely with other relevant stakeholders to ensure the document is fully implemented

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