Eldoret: Leaders Want Odinga to Give Dialogue a Chance


A section of Uasin Gishu County Assembly leaders now wants the opposition leader Raila Odinga to give dialogue a chance.

Led by their Speaker Philip Muigei they said demonstrations will solve nothing and instead will increase the burden being experienced by Kenyans.

“We want the opposition leader Raila Odinga and his team to resume the By-partisan talks which had been scheduled to start, but unfortunately it did not happen, so let them give dialogue a chance so that as a country we can move forward, “said Philip Muugei the speaker County Assembly of Uasin Gishu.

Muigei blamed the opposition for being untruthful in their demands.

“Early this year the Opposition was demanding the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) serves to be opened for them to see if the election was stolen, and then opposing the Finance bill which was passed now they are picketing because of the high cost of living in the country, which the president is working on,” Muigei added.

The leader of the majority Julius Sang termed the demonstrations as ill-intended.

“Kenya Kwanza Government is trying to reduce the cost of living, which the opposition claims to be fighting for, let them give the president a chance to work things out.”

Sang further warned the opposition against the demonstration that as the picketing continues it leads to more losses than profits.

“As the demonstration continues, we should also note that it is causing losses and destruction of properties which cannot be recovered, ” Kebenei Explained.

Simat Kapseret MCA Moses Kebenei urged religious leaders to continue praying for the country insisting that the Ongoing Demonstration in the country is Unconstitutional and the Demonstration that is supposed to be done for a peaceful Country.

“The Demonstration that we are observing is not a peaceful Demonstration and we tell our people not to engage in it and we only want Demonstrations advocating for peace across the country,” said Kebeni.

“As the home to President William Ruto we will not allow demonstrations to take place,” he said.

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