It’s is an Honor to Avoid Strife But a Fool Will be Meddling


Proverbs 20:3
Mtu *kujitenga* na ugomvi *ni heshima* kwake; Bali kila *mpumbavu ataka kugombana*.
_It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but *every fool* will be *meddling*_.

Avoid Strife in Life

In this world it is *not possible to always agree with everyone in everything*. There will come times when you cannot *see things in the same light*. There are times when *someone will try to drag your reputation into the mad*. Someone may *create a sensitive false story against you*. When it comes to your attention, how will you resolve it? Your *approach will show* whether you are *wise* or *foolish*.

Do Not Be a Fool

If your *first instinct is to go and shout at them or even insult them* to make people know that they are liars, then you are not wrong to *classify yourself among fools*. Some people think that they will defend themselves through fighting. This kind of approach to problem solving only makes things worse.

Silence is Eloquence
The *wise* will *rebuke evil* practices sternly but when they discover that the offender is not in the right frame of mind to see sense in the rebuke, they *keep quiet*. Competition of *talking never solves a problem*. Again the *wise* know the difference between *reputation and character*. They know that it is not possible to always protect your reputation but you are always in *control of your character*. It is not what someone thinks about you that makes you who you are. *But rather it is your values and principles which define you*. You can *guard your character without anyone interfering with you*.

A Million People Cannot Change a Dog to be a Cow

No one has *access to your character except you*. If hundreds of millions of people said *a dog is a cow*, it will *not change the dog*. It will remain a dog. So *do not worry about your reputation*. Jesus could not protect His reputation as well. They accused Him of having a demon. _”Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed. But some of them said, ‘By Beelzebub, the prince of demons, he is driving out demons.’ (Luke 11:14-15)._ *But that did not change His character*. Quarrelling is a matter of choice. You can *avoid it if you want*. The *wise know when to speak and when to keep quiet*.

Pray to God to Give Wisdom
So pray for wisdom from above in order for you to act honourably in every situation.

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