Former Nyumba Kumi Initiative Chairperson Joseph Kaguthi Oppose Proposal to Remunerate Village Elders


Former Chairman of the National Committee, Citizens Participation on Security under the Nyuma Kumi Initiative Mr. Joseph Kaguthi has opposed the proposal to remunerate Village Elders under the Nyumba Kumi Initiative.

Mr. Kaguthi who appeared before the Senate Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations said introduction of monetary terms will dilute the major objective of having Village Elders under the initiative.

Mr. Kaguthi, a former Provincial Commissioner told the committee that the elders should carry out their work on a voluntary basis arguing that the elders who have their villages and country at heart will work passionately without necessarily being paid money.

According to Mr. Kaguthi, salaries will give birth to other issues such as qualifications not forgetting political interests that might affect the initiative negatively.

He instead told the Senators to come up with a proposal that will require the government to come up with a framework that will appreciate the elders through formal recognition.

Mr. Kaguthi appeared before the committee on invitation to give input regarding the petition by Mr. Benson Kagete, EGH, the Secretary General National Community Ambassadors who wants the Senate to amend the National Government Co-ordination Act No. 1 of 2013 to provide for village as the lowest administrative unit after a Sub location and establishment of a village Council besides causing the Ministry of Interior and National Administration to develop a comprehensive policy on the recruitment and remuneration of village elders and in particular the policy to cover the terms of engagement, functions of the village elders, criteria for recruitment and termination of engagement.

Members of the committee present were Baringo County Senator William Cheptumo (Chairperson), Sen. Karen Nyamu (Vice Chairperson), Kajiado County Senator Seki Lenku, Isiolo County Senator Fatuma Dullo, Sen. George Mbugua and Garissa County Senator Abdul Haji.

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