7 Things You Must Keep Doing in Your Marriage


Be the first to say I AM SORRY: It’s a show of strength to say this in your marriage.

Always initiate love making: You shouldn’t be shy to bring up discussion about s$x in your marriage.

Always be willing to lose in arguments: There’s nothing you gain winning arguments with your spouse.

Always pray for your spouse: It’s extreme spiritual maturity to intercede for your spouse.

Always check up on your in-laws: You’re bringing more honour to your marriage and home checking up on your mother in law and father in law.

Always say THANK YOU to your spouse: Don’t allow entitlement mentality. Appreciate your husband. Express gratitude to your wife.

Create time for your spouse: Don’t be too busy with work. Don’t be too occupied with your phone. Don’t be too rigid. Prioritize the time of intimacy with your spouse.

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