Senate ICT Committee Scrutinizes The Prepublication of that Proposed Digital Literacy Bill


The Senate Committee on Information, Communication and Technology, led by the Chairperson Senator Allan Chesang, met at Parliament Buildings today to scrutinize the pre-publication of the proposed Digital Literacy Bill, 2023.

The proposed Digital Literacy Bill, which is sponsored by Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu, seeks to provide a coordinated approach in the planning, designing, deployment and management of Government digital literacy programs in the country.

In her presentation to the Committee, Senator Nyamu urged the Committee to give the proposed Bill a nod, adding that the legislation will bridge the digital divide in Kenya by offering digital programs at both the national and county level.
“According to Communication Authority, 94% of the Kenyan population is already covered by the 4G network. Therefore, this Bill proposes a framework for the Government and citizenry to leverage on and take advantage of this broad internet connectivity,” Sen. Nyamu said.

The Members of the ICT Committee subsequently deliberated on the contents and the consequences of the proposed legislation on Kenyans and promised to enhance it so that it can serve Kenyans better.
“The Government wants to work on the Digital Superhighway across the country. So, this Bill is rightfully in the Senate and the ICT Committee; we will deal with its politics,” said Sen. Cherarkey.
If passed by the House, the proposed Bill will equip Kenyans with the necessary digital skills to enable them to access Government services easily.
The proposed Bill will also address the growing demand for digital literacy in Kenya by ensuring increased access to technology and the internet in low-income and rural communities.

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