Mamo Appears Before Senate Lands Committee


The Director General of National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) Mamo Boru Mamo on Thursday appeared before the senate committee on lands.

Director General Mr. Mamo Boru in his response on actions taken my NEMA to ensure sustained enforcement of law and regulations pertaining to sand harvesting in Machakos and Kitui, affirmed to the Committee that, NEMA and County Government conduct regular inspections to minimize illegal sand harvesting, the Authority has undertaken approximately 47 inspections in Machakos County and 35 inspections in Kitui County some of which have been on sand harvesting within the Counties.

‘’The Authority have been imposing punitive fines and penalties on offenders in law, restriction of sand harvesting and transportation working hours to daytime only (6am to 6pm) and promotion of construction of gabions and sand dams along the threatened river beds where sand harvesting is practiced sponsored by African Sand Foundation (NGO).’’ DG NEMA added.

Legislators recommend that the two Governors work hand in hand with National Environmental Management Authority, to ensure this menace of Sand harvesting is reduced in both Counties for the benefits of the residents and safe Environment.

Other Senators in attendance were, Vice Chair Sen. (Dr.) Lelegwe Ltumbesi, Sen. Johnes Mwaruma, Sen. Beatrice Ogolla, Sen. Agnes Kavindu, Sen. William Cheptumo and Sen. Mariam Omar. Senator Tabitha Mutinda who sought the Statement and Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua attended.

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