What Women in Their 30’s Won’t Tell You


If you observe, all these single ladies in their 30s, they all preach the same thing. I was focused on my education/career I really didn’t have time for a relationship. I was in this long term relationship, the guy was abusive/cheated on me

Or I’m so unlucky in love, I always attract bad boys. These are the common BS stories they tell, as they try to deceive & trap some innocent guy
She Won’t Tell You that while in varsity, she was jumping from one to another . Varsity girls hoe around the most, they be sleeping with students(comrades), lecturers and rich married men. The student in the name of Freedom. The lecturers for Good Grades. The married men for Money

That she was being rammed in res hostels, cars, clubs & hotels. All she’ll say she was studying hard to graduate & make her dear parents proud.

She Won’t Tell You because of her job, she looked down on many suitors who wanted her because they were not her “class”. She couldn’t date a broke man, he couldn’t afford to maintain her. She couldn’t submit to any man because she was “independent”

She was sleeping with her superiors & colleagues who were her “class” but didn’t commit to her. All she’ll tell you is, she was busy climbing up the corporate social ladder

She Won’t Tell You about all the good guys she turned down for her EX. She won’t tell you how much she was attracted to bad boys & turned off by good guys. Good guys were boring, bad boys were exciting.

How her parents & friends advised her to leave that EX, but she held on, all because of his. What she’ll tell you is that guy wasted her time with promises, she’s apparently the victim not the architect of her own past.

The Womb Turned To A Cemetery
She Won’t Tell You about how many abortions she has had, her womb is now a cemetery. How much morning after pills, she has swallowed, her womb is now a pharmacy. She won’t tell you that her chances of reproducing may now be little to impossible

All she’ll tell you is she has no child, meaning she’s well behaved. Unlike those single moms right? She is a decent woman, @ least that’s the picture she’ll be painting

She Won’t Tell You about how many times she’s visited the clinic over an STD. Believe me, you won’t jump from one man to another for that long without ever getting 1 or a couple of STDs. Some of them are on ARVs but they won’t tell you. She’ll remain quiet.

She Won’t Tell You about her nasty attitude that turned away men. Her psycho behaviour, that in some of those previous relationships she was actually the toxic one. She was a feminist, she wanted to make those EXs of hers, her pets. All she’ll tell you is they were abusive

To sum it up what She Won’t Tell You Is “I had good guys who wanted me & I could’ve had great relationships but I didn’t want that. Now that I’m done ploughing through the bad boys & giving my prime to dudes who didn’t want me, I’m ready to settle with a good guy….

….Even though I didn’t want them in my prime, I want them now, when my days are over”

Kings, be very savage & selective with these women because in their prime they were that savage as well. It is ok to ignore them. Because trust me, in their prime, they ignored you. And they didn’t care. You weren’t even an afterthought. So return the favor in kind

Learn or perish

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