Desire Without Development Will lead you to Destruction


Desire without development will lead you to destruction. This is because your cravings will cause you to engage immediately with the object of your desire to avoid the discomfort of delay.

One comedian said that the first time he was paid a million shillings, he rushed to get himself a Mercedes. But when his friend learned about his plans, he intercepted him with appeals to rethink his decision. His rent was in arrears; his grooming needed an urgent upgrade; he needed some float to travel for upcoming appointments. Mercedes could wait a little longer. That way, his friend saved him from the rush of untamed desire.

If you’re not careful, the same things you desire to accomplish in life can also become your downfall if you don’t know how to time them right. If you don’t know the background work you need to do first before getting into that big dream; if you have no perspective about what it would take to manage it.

You can not say you want your marriage to last, for example, but you’re not careful to develop yourself for it. In any case, you’re staggering from one relationship mistake to another in an emotional stupor. Intentions alone are not enough. If you can’t imagine going through divorce or raising your children alone, then focus on evolving to a point that you give yourself the best chance at choosing the right person and putting the best foundation to your union.

In life, you don’t reap what you desire. You reap what you sow. If you desire stability but you’re sowing impatience and emotional decisions, that’s what you’ll reap.
Once more, do not just follow your desire. Obtain knowledge about what you desire and research ardently about all thar it takes to flourish in it.
(©️ Benjamin Zulu Global)

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