Labot sheep farm stocked with pure breeds


Labot breeding farm in Lelan Ward now has pure corriedale sheep breeds.

The 20 ewes and 4 breeding pure corriedale rams were delivered to the farm and received by Governor Wisley RoticH.

The farm is a livestock improvement centre mandated to produce breeding sheep for wool sheep and mutton for farmers in the larger Elgeyo Marakwet.

The governor said farmers had recycled breeding rams, which, according to him, had resulted in the production of small sized sheep. “If you look around, you will see that our sheep will be sold for as little as Sh3000. This should change. You should sell your sheep for as high as Sh30,000. It is possible,” he said.

Livestock Chief Officer Robert Lagat said the department had narrowed to promote corriedale sheep owing to its fast maturity and probability to twin under good management.

“Corriedale ewes have good maternal qualities.They are easy care animals and excellent mothers with high fertility that exceeds 100 per cent. Their wool is bright, bulky, and soft-handling, which can fetch good earnings while a mature ram can weigh up to 105 kilograms,” he said.

The breeds, he added, will earn farmers quick returns owing to their fast maturity.

The sheep which costed the County Sh652,000, with an ewe going for Sh25,000 and Sh38,000 for ram will be expected to improve the sheep breeds ni Kapyego, Sengwer, Moiben-Kuserwo Kuserwo, Embobut-Embolot,Kabiemit, Metkei, Chepkorio, Kaptarakwa, Cherangany-Chebororwa and Lelan Wards which according to the Chief Officer, have conducive environment for corriedale production.

“We will sell breeding rams and ewes from our farm at affordable rates. We want to improve sheep production and weed out the current breeds that have been affected by breeding,” he said.

Each of the four rams can serve up to 30 ewes.

Governor Rotich said Labot will be a model breeding farm, which will also conduct training to farmers.

“We have today changed the face of Labot Farm. The new high value breeds will be a game changer in sheep production in this region. We are going to make Labot a model farm where farmers from all over our county will be coming to train. We also target those from other counties ,” added the County Chief.

He reminded farmers to practise in sheep production of double benefits from the sheep. “She benefits from the wool and later sells the sheep,” he said.
Lelan MCA Mrs Priscilla Kurgat urged farmers to consider keeping the high quality sheep that can fetch higher prices when sold.
In June, the county supplied dorper rams to farmers in Siroch, in Tambach Ward, in order to improve sheep production in the area.

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