Budget Committee Continues Examining 2023/24 1st Supplementary Budget Estimates


The National Assembly’s Committee on Budget & Appropriations has received a comprehensive briefing on Supplementary Budget Estimates No. 1 from the Parliamentary Budget Office and the Office of the Auditor General concerning the spending agencies under the committee’s oversight.

Both the Office of the Auditor General and the Parliamentary Service Commission were reviewed by the Budget Committee.

The committee observed reductions in the budget of the Parliamentary Service Commission across various spending categories, including domestic travel, training, committee expenses and development.

While reviewing the accounts of the Office of the Auditor General (OAG), legislators noted a proposed increase in the OAG’s expenditure due to an expected rise in Appropriations in Aid.

To secure the committee’s approval for the proposed changes in these two spending agencies, members reached a consensus to hold meetings with these agencies in the upcoming weeks.

During the meeting, Committee members also agreed on the key issues to be closely monitored when engaging with Departmental Committees.

It was noted that Departmental Committees may seek additional funding and request the reinstatement of previously cut expenditures.

“Why shift funds from one place to another when government resources are finite?” questioned Hon. Ndindi Nyoro, the Chair of the Budget Committee.

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