Dr. Esther Muchemi’s Dose
Dr. Esther Muchemi is a household name for a successful entrepreneur, coach and a role model everyone eyes to emulate.
Powerful and authoritative. Dr. Esther Muchemi meticulously built Samchi Group of Companies with her blessed hands through the help of God Almighty Father.
Here is what she has for us today.
When the Son of God said,
“it is finished” at the cross, I wondered, this morning what He meant.
A few things came to mind-:
He finished the assignment His father had sent Him to do which included-:
1) Redeeming mankind from the bondage of sin so that he may be reconciled back to God and reinstated to God’s original idea, or is it into a better relationship, of a man created in His Own image?
2) Putting Satan under our feet and defeating him and all what Satan represents.. with finality!
3) Putting to rest matters death, which today remains defeated.
This included among others;
a) Paying all the wages of sin and any penalty accrued then and after, today included.
b) Fulfilling the law, then, now and into the future.
c) Fulfilling all the prophetic words ever said on this matter.
d) Replacing every sacrifice and offering in relation to forgiveness and God’s blessing by this one sacrifice and offering(Christ).
e) Him becoming our High Priest, interceding for us, as He sits and sits us in the Heavenly place.
f) He replaced works and deeds with His Grace.
So it is finished and truly it is finished, walk with the freedom of this finished work now and into the future.
Madam CEO.”