Four Things Every Man Muat Know About a Woman Before Marriage


They Love Compliments

It is unfair for your wife to put effort into her looks, taking care of you (and the kids) and making you happy daily and you never pay her any compliments.

In fact that kills her moral and spirit.

Women flourish in an atmosphere of Compliments.

Compliment her Looks, her cooking, things she does for your marriage to be great, her new shoe, everything about her.. And she’ll feel she married the best Man in the World.

They Love Attention

Don’t Marry a Woman you don’t have attention to give.

A Woman is an attention seeker.

She craves for the attention of the Man she loves and Married.

To ignore your wife is to break her.

Don’t ignore her because of your job, or TV, or football matches, politics, or your friends.. No.

Schedule and create time for her everyday no matter how busy you are.

Give her undivided attention and watch her reciprocate it in a millions ways.
Otherwise, some else may give her that attention, and you may live to regret it.

They Have Mood Swings

A Woman can be laughing now and the next minute she’s unhappy.

Women have mood swings, know it and accept it.

Learn how to go with the flow, act according to her current mood swing, don’t get mad, don’t try to force a mood change out of her, don’t call her a baby or an immature Woman.

For instance, she may just suddenly remember her grandma that died seven years ago and start Crying. Don’t get mad. Pet her instead.

Women Talk

Don’t say you didn’t know. I am telling you now.
Not all Women though, but the average woman loves to engage in discussions and conversations seemingly endlessly.

So you better be prepared to listen, and listen, and listen. Develop your listening skills as a bachelor.

Don’t tell her to shut up.
Don’t tell her she talks too much.
Listen to her. That’s why she has you.

Hey, don’t fret, It’s not that bad.
With time you’d get used to it and actually enjoy it, and you’d get a lot of rewards from listening to her too.
Your Marriage will be blessed for it.

Marriage takes hard Work for it to Work.
Be Ready to play your Part.

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