Seven Things to do Before You Become a Wife


Have Sound Vision For Your Life
You are more than a cook and baby factory. You are on a earth for a purpose. What is your vision, what is your mission? What is your reason for existence?

Have a Source of Income
If you have no job or business you are doing and you are looking for an ATM man to dump all your financial responsibility on, you will end up a leech, not a wife, a sucker, not a giver, a liability, not an asset, a burden not a burden bearer! Get a job!

Take Care of Your body
Some ladies are in their twenties and they look close to their graves, why? How many children have you had? Why are you not firm, smart, healthy and attractive? If you have health issues, darling, pray for healing before you get married. With faith you will be healed. If you eat junks, stop the trash and eat healthy food. Too much sugar, red meat, chocolates are not good for you. They are waiting to affect your body in future.

Learn How to Address a Man
You don’t talk to a man like your errand boy or primary school mate. You talk to him as your head with respect and honour. If you can’t respect a man and regard him as the leader in your relationship, forget about marriage darling or you may end up divorced.

Learn How to Cook
See, men don’t joke with their stomach. Learn to cook different types of food and soup. Routine food eventually becomes tasteless and uninviting. Men love adventure. Children love adventure. Cooking different types of soup/ food make your husband stay at home and have no need wandering into bukaterias, cafeterias, eateries etc *where daughters of Jezebel may seduce and snatch* him from you!

Learn About Sex
Not by practicing for God’s sake, you are not yet married. Few months/weeks to your wedding, learn about your sexual anatomy, sexuality, reproductive organs, genitals, etc. Be familiar with your body and prepare for quality sex IN MARRIAGE. I get too many chats from naive, ignorant brides and it gets to me. *Some even stay off sex for weeks or months on end after wedding*. What’s the meaning of that nonsense? If you know you will fornicate if you will learn about your sexuality then wait at least 2 weeks to wedding and read! Take a mirror and look at your vagina, labia minora, labia majora, clitoris, vagina entrance, some say if you look close enough you will see your hymen. Each part has its functions in marriage. It will help you understand your body better as a woman.

Be a Prayer Person
A woman who cannot pray is not ready for marriage! Your husband has a great destiny to fulfil, you have a great destiny to fulfil, your children has a great destiny to fulfil and the devil won’t fold his arms and watch. Protect your family by soaking them in prayer! If you are a lazy spiritual bum as a single lady, your prayer life will end up a sorry case after marriage!

Before you become a wife, prepare well so you do not end up a failure in your husbands house. May the Lord grant you understanding.

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