KISIP Launches Upgrade of Maridadi Informal settlement


The Kenya Informal Settlement Improvement Program (KISIP) today launched the spatial planning exercise for Maridadi informal settlement in Kapomboi ward, Kwanza Sub County.

Maridadi Trading Center becomes the second informal settlement in the county to benefit from the program that is supported by the World Bank besides the national and county governments.

The initiative seeks to empower communities in the area so they can have enhanced livelihoods by acquiring land ownership documents hence they can have confidence in developing their parcels or using them as collateral to secure loans from financial institutions.

Spatial Milestone Consultants have been contracted to carry out the exercise that entails planning, survey, beaconing and titling of the twelve acres parcel of land which has been designated for a marketplace.

Lead Consultant at Spatial Milestone Mr. Stephen Ngari assured beneficiaries that the exercise will not displace anyone who rightfully occupies parcel(s) of land within the settlement scheme and called for collaborative efforts to fast track the process.

The program comes in handy for the occupiers of the informal settlement who have been eager to get the vital land ownership documents so they can use them as collateral to secure development loans from financial institutions.
Irene Mwaniki, a Physical Planner at Spatial Milestone disclosed that a socio-economic survey would be done and an enumeration of the structure owners before a validation exercise by the SEC members after which planning will be done and approved by the County Assembly.

She added that this will guide the improvement of infrastructure within the trading centre including road networks, water piping and power connectivity among other amenities also stating that local communities would be involved in the exercise.

Ms Mwaniki stated that the initial phase that involves land tenure regularization will culminate in allotment letters for the occupiers of the parcels of land and there after issuance of title deeds.

Members of the Settlement Executive and Grievance Redress Committees who are part of the beneficiary communities were engaged in the exercise and were also trained on their mandates in representing the community for the entire program period.

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