Kenya National Police DT SACCO Holds it’s Annual Delegates Meeting


National Chairman David Sohelo Mategwa, arriving at the ADM at the Serena Hotel, Nairobi.

The SACCO movement in Kenya is one trillion strong and this can be sustained through a transparent democratic leadership that continue to play a critical oversight role in the Cooperative movement.

The delegates are elected to represent the members’ welfare at all time and to manage the resources entrusted by the members.

Earlier today, the Principal Secretary in the State Department of Cooperatives Patrick Kilemi accompanied the Cabinet Secretary Hon. Simon Chelugui, EGH who was the Chief Guest during the Kenya National Police DT SACCO Annual Delegates meeting held at Serena Hotel in Nairobi.

National Chairman David Sohelo Mategwa, arriving at the ADM at the Serena Hotel, Nairobi.

The CS reaffirmed the Ministry’s commitment to support innovativeness, collaboration and to champion for shared resources that will ease cost of service delivery.

“We recognise the vital role played by Cooperatives in the livelihoods of Kenyans by bringing together individuals with common goals to achieve shared prosperity.

Kenya National Police DT SACCO established in 1972 with only 690 members has since increased to 73,000 members and it is among the largest cooperatives with a strong asset base which stands at Ksh 54.2billion.

We challenged the SACCOs to embrace discipline and to invest in well skilled professionals to manage their assets in order to realize growth

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