County MPs Ask NGAAF Officials to Address Fund Gaps Affecting Vulnerable Groups


County MPs convened today for a consultative meeting with officials of the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF), headed by Chairperson Florence Kiriinya and CEO Roy Sasaka.

The lawmakers under their Caucus 47, which brings together all Woman Representatives, engaged NGAAF top officials on the gaps hindering the funds’ effectiveness in serving vulnerable groups like women, youth, children, persons with disabilities and the elderly.

Hon. Jane Kagiri (Laikipia), representing Caucus 47 Chairperson, Hon. Rahab Mukami (Nyeri), highlighted challenges, stating, “The funds, especially the allocation for bursaries and scholarships, are insufficient, considering that most counties are vast. The funds allocated to each county are also not sufficient.”

The MPs also raised concerns about the lack of responsiveness to the unique needs and dynamics of people in various counties across the country.

They noted that some region-specific funding proposals were rejected by the board of the Semi-Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) under the Ministry of Public Service, Gender and Affirmative Action, without explanation.

The NGAAF CEO, while responding to the concerns by the Women reps, said the agency works within the set guidelines but assured MPs of their commitment to address challenges within established guidelines.

“We will work together to surmount the challenges they experience,” affirmed the NGAAF boss.

Earlier, Serah Kioko, the Deputy Clerk of the National Assembly, while making her opening remarks assured the female lawmakers of parliament support as they discharge their constitutional mandate.

“ As Parliament we will keep facilitating you and will accord you all the support you need as you go about your duty,” said the Deputy Clerk.
Anne Wang’ombe ,the Principal Secretary for the State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action and Hon. Gideon Mulyungi (Mwingi Central) , the Chairperson of the Decentralised Funds Committee were present.

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