Dr Ekrah Monday Motivation Message


No matter what heights God takes you, no matter how successful you ever think you’re,no matter what problems you go through in life love God extravagantly like Mary of Bethany.

If there’s anything good my late mom ever did before sleeping to eternity is to promise me that even if she’s dying that she won’t be there for me again,Jesus will be coming to check on me.

That was the most emotional conversation I had with her before her death “ndahụrŭka Jesù niaríukaga kùmùrora”. I’m eternally grateful to her for introducing God in our lives. She died praying 🙏🏼 🤲….as soon as she said Amen …she said Lord I’m ready to come home & she closed her eyes smiling..

Back to Mary of Bethany, She was the woman who sat at Jesus’ feet, hanging on his every word as her sister, Martha, scrambled about the kitchen, taking care of the dinner preparation. Mary wasn’t being lazy by sitting it out when there was work to be done. She was seizing the moment to sit at the feet of her Master, and Jesus commended her for it (Luke 10:38-42). We read later that Mary, shortly before Jesus’ death, anointed Him with expensive perfume she had saved possibly for her own wedding. She realized her “Bridegroom” was at hand and she spared no expense to honor Him. Jesus again commended her, saying wherever the gospel was taught, the story would be told of what she did, as a remembrance to her (John 12:1-8; Mark 14:3-9).

Would you rather be with Jesus than do a bunch of things for Him? Can you risk the misunderstanding or judgment of others for not joining in the busy work, but instead sitting it out to spend more time with God? Drop everything sometimes attend services sit out and learn. God honors the heart that reveres and loves His Son without hesitation, without reservations, and without regard for cost. Love God’s Son extravagantly and spare no expense to show Him what He means to you.

Take time to learn from those who’ve served God years,Gospel is new with new revelation everytime you read the Bible, I used to see my Dad with Pastor Bennyhinn books when I was a child. I’ve always watched him on TBN. I was honored 🎖 to sit out attend the 2day crusade….To learn the word more & also meet new people too…Pastor Bennyhinn has preached to millions around the world for 51years.

Listening to Pastor Bennyhinn was both inspiring and challenging,he reads the Bible 3thrice a year….he challenged all of us to read the Bible 3times a year like him & your life will never be the same again. He reminded us you don’t need anyone to remove demons out of you, all you need is to meditate the word.

One of Pastor Bennyhinn’s scripture that he preached was Isaiah 9:6 unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace…..We’ve been singing this scripture as Christmas carols but Pastor Bennyhinn brought it out in a new revelation. The sermons are available on YouTube listen more & learn.

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