KNUT Declares Support to the Deaf Society


The Kenya National Union of Teachers has declared support for the Kenya Society for Deaf Children (KSDC).

Mr. Collins Oyuu is the KNUT Secretary General

Through the official spokesman, The Secretary General for KNUT Collins Henry Oyuu, he without mincing his words declared full support. articulately, he noted:

“As a union, we are here to join hands with you to make sure that the deaf child must be visible. We shall assist in advocating for the rights and welfare of these children in order to ensure inclusivity and access to education for all regardless of their disability,” he said .

KNUT is one of the champions who will do everything in their capacity to make sure we put the deaf child in school.

” We are therefore declaring that as KNUT we shall be partners and walk together for the success of this course.” he added.

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