Dead End For Hell Bent Marijuana Traffickers


From Toyota Kenya’s description, the elegance of Land Cruiser Prado, sleek shape and its imposing grille affirm its powerful and statutory image.

Maybe, it’s this magnificient description of the machine that convinced Daniel Okoth and Erick Ombima that they had the perfect vehicle to sneak 300kg of Marijuana into the country from one of our neighbours. Unbeknownst to them, no level of elegance could beat police intelligence networks.

In the company of two men, Daniel Okoth was entrusted to chauffeur Sh9 million worth of the banned sustance to Kenya through Nyametaburo route and later join Isebania – Migori highway at Mabera.

Confident of a successful mission, the trio who drove at breakneck speed approached Karamu Bridge area, unaware that the In-charge of Isebania Police Station who was privy to the itinerary had led his troops in laying an ambush.

Bumping into a police roadblock that provided a safe distance to pull over for a search, the driver opted to drive past the officers nearly running over one of them. But with their 40th day at nigh, three well-calculated rapid shots from an AK47 benumbed his accelerator foot, prematurely terminating their journey.

During the rumpus, one male occupant scampered off like a terrified rat into the thickets, but Okoth, Obima and their drug haul stuffed in the KCK 532E Prado were rounded up. The prohibited cargo numbered 6 gunny bags.

As the two suspects cool their heels at a secure room within Isebania Police Station, pursuit of the escapee is ongoing.

Meanwhile, members of the public are encouraged to continue sharing information on traffickers, and to disengage from any drug-related activities or trade to avoid confrontations with the law.

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