Moiben MP Prof. Phyllis Bartoo Hosts Village Elders Delegation at Parliament, Advocates for Policy Reform


Moiben Member of Parliament, Prof. Phyllis Bartoo, welcomed an esteemed delegation of Village Elders from Kimumu Ward to Parliament this afternoon, fulfilling a promise made during her campaign to invite all Village Elders from across the Constituency to the legislative chambers. Led by their Chairperson, Mr. Charles Kosgei, the delegation was accompanied by Ambassador Julius Bitok, PS Immigration.

The visit provided the Village Elders with a platform to voice the challenges they face while carrying out their duties as the lowest ranking administrative unit. One of the key issues highlighted was the lack of a comprehensive policy framework governing the recruitment and remuneration of village elders. The delegation emphasized that the development of such a framework is crucial to addressing the challenges faced by Village Elders nationwide.

Expressing her commitment to addressing these concerns, Prof. Phyllis Bartoo pledged to advocate for the development and implementation of a policy framework that would ensure fair recruitment processes and adequate remuneration for Village Elders.

During their visit, the delegation had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the activities taking place in Parliament and were given a tour around the Parliament Buildings, providing them with insights into the legislative process and the role of Parliament in governance.

Looking ahead, Prof. Phyllis Bartoo expressed her anticipation of hosting similar delegations from Sergoit, Karuna/Meibeki, Tembelio, and Moiben Wards. She reiterated her dedication to engaging with constituents and addressing their concerns through constructive dialogue and legislative action.

The visit of the Village Elders delegation to Parliament not only facilitated meaningful discussions on policy reform but also strengthened the bond between the legislative body and the grassroots administrative units.

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