Miano Rated Best CS in President Ruto’s Cabinet


Investment, Trade, and Industry Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano has been ranked as the best performing Cabinet Secretary in President William Ruto’s Government. This is according to a poll conducted by Mizani Africa and which has ranked her at 72.3%.

The Committed, outgoing, Charismatic, Intelligent, and results-oriented CS was said to be keen in her docket, working tirelessly to steer and align her ministry’s objectives to the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda.

According to the pollster, Hon. CS Miano is also the most improved Cabinet Secretary rating-wise from 54% To 72.3%.
The major reasons for her stellar performance include: Launch of the karibu Business Support Centre, (KBSC) a one-stop point of contact for all business needs, hosting over 10 high-powered Bilateral meetings with American-based Companies during the AmCham Summit.

Propelling Kenya to a level where she was granted tariff-free exports of cut flowers to the United Kingdom for the next two years, Facilitating the ratification of the Kenya-EU EPA by Kenya’s National Assembly, Unveiling the KEBS Kenya Cobalt 60 (CO-60) radiotherapy calibration system 6th March 2024. Signing MOUs with 18 County Governments on CAIPs. Leading a Bilateral meeting with Tanzania in Kisumu which resolved most of the outstanding Non-Tariff Trade Barriers, and working closely with President William Ruto to launch 90 MVA Naivasha Special Economic Zone Substation with massive direct employment opportunities.

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